Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why do I need to be saved?

I have been talking to a few anonymous people who have asked questions such as: I'm a good person why can't I go to heaven? Why do I need to be saved? What is the gospel?

Well I am going to answer this question with as few words as possible. I will let the verses from the Bible speak for themselves as much as I can.

SIN is the start of the problem. Sin does not just cover murder, adultery, theft, rape etc. Sin also covers things such as greed, jealousy, slander etc. We are sinful by nature. If you think you have lived a perfect life, you can stop reading now because you don't need saving but read Romans 3:23 before your stop:

'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God'

If you think you classify with the 'all' in the above verse, please read the next one:

Romans 6:23 'For the wages of sin is death.'

God didn't want this to be the end of the story for humanity. He wanted to re-establish our relationship with him. To do that, our sin needed to be pardoned and our lives ransomed. What did he do about it?

John 3:16 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.'

The book of John says that God became flesh and dwelled with us in the form of Jesus Christ. Jesus' purpose was to ransom humanity. It was always intended for him to lay down his life so we wouldn't have to. He was put to death on a cross for the sin of all men. He paid the price of our sin on our behalf. Jesus payed your debt. He was, however, without sin so death had no hold on him. The wages of a perfect life is eternal life. Three days later he was raised again. Through his resurrection the way between humanity and God had opened once more.
Now what? If you think about all of the above, the next verse is the next step:

Romans 10:9 'If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.'

So in a nutshell, that is the Gospel. That is why you need to be saved and what God did to allow it to happen.

For now don't let anything you dislike about Christianity stop you considering all of the above. This is not about the brutality of the Crusades, The Big Bang theory, evolution, homosexuals, paedophile priests and the bad example of Christians. This isn't about all the differing Christian denominations you see that bicker with each other. THIS IS ABOUT YOU AND YOUR CREATOR. Nothing else matters for now.


  1. I thought we were all god's children?

  2. I'll have a go at answering the question of 'I thought we were all God's children'. I'll use two verses:

    Genesis 1:26 'Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness...'. So by that I believe that humanity is made in the image of God. You're next question will probably be 'is he male or female'?

    then a few hundred pages later:

    John 1:12 'Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.'
