Thursday, November 5, 2009

Catholics and suicide

So a Catholic priest from a Canberra parish walks into a hospital to 'help' a person who has just attempted suicide due to a history of mental illness. What does he say? He may have thought of one of three options. What would the Catholic church do here?

1. Leave religion aside and simply show compassion for one human being to another. Perhaps he could have thought of 'love one another as I have loved you...By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34). After all, loving one another is religion.

2. Give the poor woman the Good news of Jesus Christ. Tell her that Jesus Christ has the power to heal her. Pray over the woman. I've never witnessed it, but I've heard and read that Jesus is quite fond of the odd miracle from time to time.

3. Accuse the woman of committing an immortal sin and say 'you will have to work extra hard to earn God's forgiveness. You are bordering on the unforgivable.' This would surely giver her motivation to get out of bed and turn her life around.

What does he choose? This man of the cloth chose step 3.
The wrath of God never comes before the Love of God Priest! As a result, she is so traumatised, she engraved 'sinner' on her stomach with a stanley knife. This priest condemned her. She has a mental illness Mr Priest man. She needs love, compassion and help, not condemnation. She is not beyond the touch of God. Even if you thought she was a Christian, how about a bit of 'there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus' (Rom 8:1)

How do Catholics, or any other politically spawned and self-perpetuating form of religion, think that the blood of Jesus Christ is not enough? People don't need to do Penance, Hail Mary's, or any other sacrament to earn, or earn back, their salvation. The Old Testament should have taught you that trying to please God by earning his favour just doesn't cut it. He loves us regardless and the blood of Christ redeems us.

Anway, none of this Christian dogma helps a person lying in a bed with 'sinner' engraved on her body. Show a bit of Compassion! Or do you want her to pay for her forgiveness just like old school catholics?

1 comment:

  1. Rob,

    This story resonates with me and my catholic upbringing. I like the options you proposed that the priest didn't pursue.

    We need to always return to the bible for direction. And be focused on the grace we have been given.

